Monday, December 31, 2012

OOOPS - last post of the year !

I had said I had some art to upload and I do.  I still haven't figured out how to get my pix off my ipod however, I do have some Christmas cards I made to share. 

Not sure why this peachy spot is showing up on the scan of the village.  Maybe the scanner window is dirty?  That colouration is definitely not on the card.  Whatever !


Happy New Year to everyone !   I realize I am a bit premature with these well wishes, but what the heck. I'm going to get out in front of the crowd.

Christmas was wonderful - quiet and low key, just the way we like it.  Christmas Eve we spent at home relaxing in front of the fire.  We did assorted appies for dinner.  Christmas Day we spent the entire day at home in our jammies, just lying around and eating all the goodies.  We did a small turkey for the two of us and had just enough for one round of leftovers and some soup.  Loads of dressing left so I'll be freezing that to use with my roasted chicken over the next few months.  Easy, Peasy.

Tonight my daughter and I are spending the evening quietly at home - in our jammies.  Sound familiar?  Appies for dinner again tonight so what's not to like.  New Years Day I'm hosting my annual dinner here at my place.  Two couples who are very good friends are joining us to start off the new year.  I always look forward to this day.  When my husband was alive this was always a fun day for us and I still try to keep it special.  I have a killer prime rib recipe which turns out fabulous every time.  It's to die for (sorry couldn't help myself :)  We have a friendly festive dinner, share some adult beverages and then pig out on dessert, courtesy of the local bakery. 

Well must run as I have cleaning to do in prep for the dinner tomorrow.  I'm not the best housekeeper - with 3 cats I would not suggest that you eat off my floors!  Anyway, I'll do a little cleaning and then will relax with a cold beverage.  Sounds like a plan.

Happy, Happy !


Friday, December 21, 2012

Somehow I've lost 2 months !

OMG ! I was shocked when I logged in and discovered I haven't posted in almost 8 weeks!  I guess it's just been an extremely busy period for me.

In November I took an art journal class at Be Creative in Pitt Meadows.  I had a great time and learned lots of great tips and tricks.  It was a lovely afternoon and the instructor was great !  More about that later and some pix.

I just finished 3 journals from the Travelling Journals group.  I feel guilty that I held on to them for so long - I just couldn't ever seem to get it together enough to get a page together, let alone 3 of them!   However they are finally gone and I'm waiting for the next bunch to arrive.  Sorry, I forgot to take pix of those.

Art Journaling -  I think I may have finally broken through my creative block.  I seem to have had an epiphany of sorts and it's starting to flow a little better.  I'm currently working on page backgrounds and some preliminary collaging so that they're ready for Palm Springs.  That way I can work on the penwork etc and finish a few pages while I'm away.

My Christmas cards are finally finished and gone and not a minute too soon.  The last bunch went out Thursday.  Some may arrive in time, some may not, hence why the sentiment is "happy holidays".

I've had a very challenging week at work.  One of my "children" had a melt down.  Spoilt brat - Created a lot of drama.  So high school!.  Some days I feel like I run an adult daycare ! Tedious, very tedious.

Well gotta run.  Will post again tomorrow.


Saturday, October 27, 2012

Time is flying by !

I'll keep this short as it's midnight here on the coast and I worked all day and can hardly keep my eyes open. 

It's been a busy couple of weeks.  Stock is in the store for the open houses and now I can work on my personal cards, journals and ATC swaps.  The travelling journal swap is good but for some reason the journals seem to be stranded somewhere for months and then I get three of them all at once.  It can be kind of overwhelming and takes up more time than if they were coming in a couple of weeks apart.  However, I guess that can work out to one's advantage if you can get your creative mojo going.

I'm also working on a couple of journals for a journal partner.  This has turned into a slow old slog!  I'm sure H thinks I've fallen off the face of the earth.  I came up with a design for one of the journal pages for her and I just cannot make it come together.  I've redone it 3 times - no exaggeration - I hate it !  I'd normally tear it out and start over but her work is on the other side so now I have to live with my ugly mess!  Ugh!

Anyway, this is the first weekend in several weeks when I'm not on a very tight deadline to get something work related completed.  I'm getting my hair done tomorrow and then plan to spend the day working on the journals.  I really need to get H's out to her and then work on the other projects I have in the hopper.  Things I need to do but things that I also want to do because they're enjoyable and relaxing.

Not quite ready to start counting the sleeps til Palm Springs but that is coming fast as well, with only about 14 weeks until I hit paradise.  Not counting....just saying!

Gotta run -  caio !

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Christmas designs

Already I'm hearing "only 100 days til Christmas".  OMG, let's not start with that already!

I'm working on samples for the store. I should have had these done long ago, however, I only seem to work well under pressure ! What can I say? Anyway, here are a couple of my new designs for Christmas.

On the home front, things are going well here. My office is moving in mid-February and the craziness of preparation for the relocation is starting to ramp up. But before that there are several other things to get through.

On Wednesday I'm off to visit family. My dad will be 88 in March, his wife is 89 and they are still living in their own home. Dad refuses to move into assisted living, which BTW is making my brother crazy! Both parents' health is failing but Dad is sooooo stubborn and crusty that he's just dug his heels in about moving.

Anyway, I digress. DD left last Wednesday to spend some time with him and I'm off on Wednesday to visit for a week. I'll stay with my brother as it's too much for those old people for us to stay with them. Then of course there are some other visits I need to make while there. Lord knows they won't be around forever, so I want to go back because I want to not because I have to for a death or illness.

I haven't done much journalling lately. I have several works in progress, but nothing finished yet. I think my problem is I make it waaaaaayyy too complicated.   It is what it is!

Caio !

Saturday, September 08, 2012

End of Summer

While everyone else had a fabulous summer, our summer here on the coast left much to be desired.  It has only been in the last couple of weeks that the weather has turned hot and fabulous.  Finally!  The weather people say the weather will be warm and wonderful right into October so I guess everything evens out over the long run.

I have to keep this post short as I need to finish up this room today so I can get some samples made and do some work in my journal. Here's a journal page I finished recently. I think I'm finally getting over the blank page - trying to use the KISS principle.

I've been lazy and lots of the work I need to get done has been set on the back burner. I must have my stock for the open house into the stores in about a month so I will need to do some hard core production is I want to be ready.

I've embarked on another re-organization of my studio.  It's a long process and I tend to get frustrated with my lack of progress in some areas but I think it's finally coming together.  I've tried to address some of the visual clutter issues and while I haven't thrown a lot out, I have managed to give some stuff away.  Hopefully more will be given away over the next few weeks.   As well, I'm trying to put like things together - now that's a novel concept ! - instead of having the same things stored several places and that seems to be working so I'm feeling good about that.

I have to keep this post short as I need to finish up this room today so I can get some samples made and do some work in my journal. Here's a journal page I finished recently. I think I'm finally getting over the blank page - trying to use the KISS principle.


Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Journal page for swap

I'm participating in a "Travelling Journal" swap with approximately 15 other artists.  I joined this swap because I'm really struggling with my journal pages and I thought it would give me some push to stretch my creative muscles.  I think I am stretching aned growing as an artist, however, I also think that there's lots of room for improvement!

Here's one of the pages I created for the swap.

Pictures downloaded ....finally

I finally found my USB cable and downloaded some of the art I've done lately.  Here are a few pix of the cards I created for the store.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Hot time in the city

Man -  it has been soooooo hot here on the coast!  Yesterday the thermometer in my car was reading 37.5 degrees celscius.  Now that's hot, way too hot.  However, having said that, we've all been complaining long and loud about what a lousy summer we've had this year so ....I guess we need to just suck it up and enjoy.

I'm still working on my studio and trying to make it work better for me.  I've arranged, and re-arranged so much that sometimes I can't find a thing.  Go figure.  I have a few more ideas as to how to make a little more space.  First and foremost I have to get rid of some stuff.  I'm smothering to death with all this stuff!

I've been busy making cards for the store.  The process has not been fast and  should have way more to show for it but I don't.  Wedding season will only last a couple of more months and then hopefully I can get my act together and get some stock ahead of me for next year.  The annual  3 day Open House is taking place near the end of October, so I need to get some samples together so my guy can approve stock for the gala.  We've  been working together for 10 years now and his Open House just keeps growing and becoming more sucessful every year.  I think he sends out more than 1500 invitations and  he always gets a really good turnout. 

Nothing much else happening in my little corner of paradise.  My doctor changed my meds so I'm feeling more like myself and have tons more energy.  I've been diagnosed as insulin resistant so I need to clean up my diet which will hopefully result in a weight loss.

Work is good.  I'm fully staffed now and we're getting ready to move into our new HQ building in March of 2013.  There's a ton of work to do to get ready  so there will be no idle hands

I booked my flight back east for the end of September.  I plan to be there for my birthday so my dad, who is 88 next year, is looking forward to it.  I've also booked our flights and the house for our Palm Springs trip in February so everything is coming together nicely.

I've finished a couple of journal pages which I'll post as soon as I find my USB cable for the computer.

Gotta run.  Caio!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Definition of a garage sale - take my junk...please!

I am not a big fan of garage sales.  I've gone to a few and usually end up bringing home a piece of junk that is good for nothing.  Mind you, I know lots of people who swear by garage sales.  Perhaps they're more discerning buyers than I am!

Every year we have a community garage sale in the complex where we live.  I don't go to it and I don't have a table in it either.  My philosophy about garage sales is pretty clear.  I don't participate in garage sales, because, in my humble opinion they are a waste of time and I think - no I actually know - that I can find better ways to waste my time.  Just saying.

You have to sort through your junk to decide what you're going to keep and what can go.  Of course the junk that was going to go has suddenly become very precious so you don't want to sell it to just "anyone".  Then of course you have to price your junk.  That whole pricing process takes awhile because,  after all, your junk is way too valuable to give to just "anyone" at just any price.  Once you decide on a price then you have to put labels or tags or both on your junk because, God forbid, you don't want to charge the wrong price for your junk. And, horrors, what if someone should actually steal your junk?

The morning of the garage sale, you have to get up early, drag a table out to the driveway and load all your junk up so you can put it out on the table for viewing.  And lets face it - it cannot just be thrown in a pile.  It must be displayed in an esthetically pleasing manner; if it isn't, then people won't look at it.

Ok, so fast forward to start time.  Now you have to deal with all the dufuses (is that even a word?) who don't have enough of their own junk so now they want to buy less than asking price.  Waaaayyyy less!  You're almost giving this crap away and still someone wants to rip you off.   Whatever !

Fast forward to the end of the sale.  You've sold next to nothing and have managed to earn $10 for a full evening of work the previous night AND a full day spent sitting by your table at the end of the driveway.  Most of your stuff didn't go and now you have to drag the remainder back into the house and put it away. Once that's done you can drag your table back in and find a place for it so it's handy for you to drag out the next time there's a garage sale. 

So....that's why I don't do garage sales.  I have more than enough of my own junk.  I don't need to go and buy your junk and bring it home to add to my junk.   When I want to get rid of my junk I post it on Freecycle.  If there are no takers,  I call a local charity, they come and pick it up and take it away.  Every one is happy!  They make my junk their junk and sell it like nobody's business.  They even have a storefront they use to do that.  Go figure!

Just saying.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Famous last wordz!

So - here I am again. Almost a month has gone by since I last posted.  What's up with that?    I'm not going to promise to post more frequently because clearly I'm not able to do that .  So - all I can say is I'll try to be better.  Maybe my life is just so boring that I have nothing to post about.  Whatever!

Summer has finally arrived here on the coast and thank God for that. It's about blessed time.The flowers were looking so bedraggled there for awhile but now they're perking up and starting to fill out. I"m pleased with the new garden I put in. I've purchased some ornaments for the garden and I've received lots of compliments from my neighbours about how nice it looks. Makes all the hard work worth it.

I said that I would post some art and so here are a couple of wedding cards I made for the store

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

this and that ....again!

I've been remiss in my posting so I'll need to get back on track again.  I haven't been myself lately, well actually for the last several months.  I suffer from SAD and I've been dragging myself around for months with little or no energy or ambition to do anything.  I finally went to see my doc and he changed my meds so I'm finally starting to feel a little better.  I'm  starting to actually be able to get out of bed in the morning and without feeling that I won't make it through the day.  Still room for improvement but I can see that I am getting better so it's all good.

Because of my lack of energy, I've fallen way behind the 8 ball.  My production for the store has been really down so I'm feeling guilty about that.  Ron is such a nice man and I know that I haven't been keeping up my end of the deal.  Thank God he's been patient with me....many would not have been.  Anyway, I will be delivering an order tomorrow morning so hopefully I'll be back in his good books again.  I'll post the cards I've created in another post.

I'm also involved in 2 journals swaps - I must be out of my mind!  I enjoy doing these journal pages, however I really struggle with them so it takes me forever to complete one. It also doesn't help that I got 3 of them all within a week of each other.  Talk about being snowed under! Anyway, I'm finishing up my second journal and will be sending off tomorrow via ExPressPost so she should have them in her hands by Friday morning.

Weather here on the coast has been less than stellar.  We've had a couple of nice days but they are few and far between.  Some days I still need to put the heat on and we're all wearing sweaters.  Typically by now we have a heat wave -  June is usually not great weather til the end of the month.  My plants had such promise when I put them in - roses are doing great - but everything else is small and not very robust.  Enough already - bring on the sun!

Well that's it for my update.  Gotta run.  Caio!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Things that make you go hmmmm

Interesting week, some changes, some challenges and some frustration.

Why is it that some people are only comfortable with chaos and dysfunction?  They just never seem to be happy unless everything is in an uproar.  I'm really tired of it.  It gets really old, really fast.  So inefficient.

All my joints are aching.  Not sure why.  Even my toes are aching and my fingers are sorer than they've been in months.  Too much computer maybe.  I've also been really busy cutting paper and running dies through my Big Shot so that may be some of the problem. 

I took it easy this weekend and made a conscious decision that I would take it easy, as opposed to just lying around without a plan.  Yesterday and today I worked on stock for the store.  I plan to do a delivery on Tuesday morning before I go to the hospital to take my daughter for her day surgery.  Then there will be a few hours of just sitting around.  I'll be glad when the surgery is over and she doesn't have to deal with the lump in her face anymore.

Garden is great....all my plants are settling in and getting nice and plump.  They look happy in their new homes.

Well got go.  I'm really tired and 5 am comes early.


Sunday, May 13, 2012

I've created a couple of new wedding cards.   I find that coming up with a design that I'm satisfied with takes forever!  However, these are just prototypes. I'll change a few things on the fly to come up with a finished design.

Warm weather at last!

The sunshine and warm weather has finally arrived on the coast.  It was absolutely gorgeous today - it's 3 AM and all my windows are open to the cool night air.  We've had a not so nice spring so far, however the next 7 days are looking pretty good.

I've managed to get a spread done in my art journal.  Nothing too fancy but a spread nonetheless. It came together quickly and I'm happy with the results.  This whole art journal thing has been a real struggle for me.  I was talking with a friend and we decided that I'm making this whole process waaaay too complicated. Too much thought, too much striving for perfection and not nearly enough play. steps!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Just when you thought it was safe to get in the water

So.   Here I am halfway through a very challenging week.  Lots going on at work, trying to work through problems and find solutions to issues that should not be issues !  UGH ! Very frustrating.

On a lighter note, I did get some good news this week.  While in Palm Springs I had an altercation with a garage door.  For some reason the sensor malfunctioned and the garage door came down and landed on the roof of the rental vehicle.  The door put a dent in the roof just above the rear cargo door.  Beinge an honest citizen, when I returned the rental vehicle I reported the damage and was promptly charged $500 for the deductible.  I was told that the rental company would get an appraisal for the damage and advise me of the remainder owing.  Fast forward a couple of weeks and I get a letter from them asking for my insurance information or perhaps if I don't have insurance I would like to pay out of pocket - no information about the out of pocket amount balance.  So I sent them an e-mail requesting the additional cost so I could make a decision as to whether I would claim it or not.  Three weeks go by, nothing.  Then last week, I received a refund cheque for approximately $110. Wooohoo!  However it does make me wonder why they asked for my information when they owed me a refund.  Whatever !

Spring - and rain - have  arrived here on the coast.  My roses have all kinds of new leaves on them and the hostas are growing like crazy.  I have a yard and a half of bark mulch to spread and weeding and leveling to do in my new flower bed at the front of the house.  I also have a postage stamp of a lawn that I need to reseed.  Craziest thing -  I can't keep grass on this thing, but the weeds are going crazy.  Go figure.

I'm starting into the busy season at the store.  I'm finishing up an order of Mother's Day cards and then wedding season is upon us.  As usual, I'm behind the 8 ball in my production.  I'm so accustomed to being behind that sometimes I actually think I'm caught up.  Demented thinking I know!

Organizing my studio is an ongoing process that is always challenging.  I've moved things around yet again and I'm getting there.  Slowly, very slowly, but surely.  I need to purge some treasures, not sure how to do that but I'll give it a try.   I saw Peter Walsh on a youtube video and he talked how you start to get your clutter under control.  He said use the 80/ 20 rule - for every 4 things you keep, you must get rid of one thing.  What a radical concept!  It really isn't such a big deal when I think of it that way.  I might actually be able to do that.

I'm working in my art journal, however I'm not making a heck of a lot of progress.  So little time and so much to do.  I'm also a little frustrated with all these talented people who can draw.  They are so inspiring and everything is predicated on actually having some artistic abilities, namely the talent to be able to draw.  Come on people!  What about people like me who can't draw.  Can  you have a little pity on me?  You're making me crazy!

Gotta run.  Caio!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Very tired

I'm very tired this week.  Thank God the week is almost over.  I have Monday off so it will be nice to just relax.  Having said that, I have lots to do this weekend.  I promised Kerry I would do her taxes for her.  That should be simple enough as she has a very simple tax return.  Famous last words!

Gotta run - I'm falling asleep at the computer.  Caio!

Sunday, April 08, 2012

I'm enjoying a relaxing Easter weekend.  I did a couple of hours of OT yesterday.  It was such a beautiful day here on the coast that I decided not to spend the whole day there. 

On the way home I stopped at one of the local Thrift Stores where I spied a side table for my printer.  Right now I'm using an end table from my family room (which is quite large) for my printer.  The table I saw was only $12 and smaller and had a couple of storage shelves as well.  It would free up some room in my already overcrowded studio so I will probably go back on Monday and buy it. 

Part of the problem is that I continue to buy -  I never seem to get rid of stuff.  It is impossible
for me to throw out perfectly good "stuff".  I subscribe to the "I might need this stuff someday" mindset ....and therein lies the problem!  I need to stop buying stuff - this from the gal who's waiting for an order from!

I'm off to work on some card designs for the stores.  However, before I do that, I've been saying that I'll post one of my journal pages.  I completed this one in Palm Springs, with limited supplies.  It's for a journal swap I'm in and I'm happy with the end result.  Caio !

Friday, April 06, 2012

Hated Journal Page

It's unbelievable to me that I've been back from holidays for more than three weeks.  Where the heck has the time gone?

Ok, so I said I would post my "hated journal page" so here it is.  Caio!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Home sweet home

We've  been home a week now and we're back in the swing of things.  Work is busy and my to do list seems to grow daily. 

Weather here has been cold - well cold compared to Palm Springs weather.  I planted a bunch of crocuses  and they were all up when we came home.  I wasn't sure how many to plant in each spot so I planted in bunches of  5 & 7.  They are all mixed colours - no rhyme or reason as to which colours went where.  They really look nice and will multiply like crazy so next year I will have a great bunch of flowers.

This is my 3 day weekend and I haven't even left the house.  Just hanging out and putzing around in my workroom.  I've come to the conclusion that I have finally reached the point of "too much stuff"!  My workroom is usually a mess after I make a bunch of stuff and this time was no exception.  So when we returned from our trip my goal was to try to create some kind of order out of the chaos.  For the most part I have succeeded.  I just need to either use up some supplies or throw them out.  Not sure that's going to happen, although I did throw out a partially full containe of ultra thick embossing powder.  I haven't touched it for several years so it got tossed.  Baby steps....

Wednesday, March 07, 2012

I hate my journal page

I've completed my art journal page and I absolutely hate it !  It looks like a piece of garbage.  I am so frustrated as I've spent a lot of time and effort on this thing and it stinks big time. I refuse to rip it out of my journal. I feel like I'm just wasting my time on something that is never going to get any better.   I just finally said enough already.  I journalled about how much I hate it and I'm calling it a day and moving on to something else.

I'm really frustrated with myself and my lack of inspiration.  I follow Journal Artista religiously and I've seen all the pages she creates with circles and swirls.  She makes it look so easy and her work is so vibrant.  Mine ends up looking like a dog's breakfast.  I don't know if I'm overworking it or overthinking it, or maybe I just don't have a friggin clue what I'm doing.  What the hell is going on?  Suffice it so say I AM FED UP !!

I've spent a lot of time on the computer during this vacation - surfing Youtube and watching journal videos.  I feel like I've really learned a lot and that I have a better understanding of the process.  Having said that, I can't seem to find my style and I can't seem to make what I've done work.  Out of 2 pages, one is ok and the other?  Not so much.

I'm hoping that part of the problem is that I have very limited supplies with me - just a few stamps, a little acrylic paint and some watercolour crayons.  All my colour washes and other paints and tools are at home.  I keep telling myself that the lack of supplies is what's causing the problem.  I really hope that's the case!    That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

I just needed to vent!  Enough whining.   I'll post by "hated " page when I get home.  You can judge for yourselves.


All good things must come to an end

The trip is quickly winding down.  Only 3 more days and then we're on a flight back to Vancouver.  We've had a wonderful trip and have enjoyed ourselves immensly.  We're golfing today and tomorrow and then plan to enjoy our last pool day on Friday.  Friday night we're off to see Willie Nelson at the Fantasy Springs Casino in Indio.  Then Saturday morning we're on the milk run back to Vancouver.  We have a stopover in Edmonton for about 3 hours and then from there we fly into Vancouver.  Why through Edmonton you ask?  I checked with Airmiles to see if I could change our flight but unfornately there are no airmiles seats remaining on the flights direct  into Vancouver or Abbotsford.  It will be a long day but not much we can do about it.  At least we have a flight so it is what it is.

Now that the trip is almost over we're looking forward to getting home to our own beds.  We've really missed our 3 fur babies - Daisy, Kirby and yes, even nasty old Socks.   Initially Socks will not be happy with us - she'll give us "the tail"  and hiss.  Then she'll be all over us.  We're looking forward to some cat love.

Well gotta run.... I hear the golf course calling my name.


Sunday, March 04, 2012

Coming to the end

We're coming to the end of our time here in paradise.  We leave for home on Saturday March 10th.  At this point in the trip I always start to think about home and everything that waits for me there.  I'm always a little sad to leave and I'm already looking forward to coming back next year.

We've had a wonderful, relaxing time.  The weather has been really great and we've played a ton of golfing and had lots of days around the pool.  Both Kerry and I are tanned and she and I have gotten along famously. 

I managed to complete 2 art journal pages - one for a travelling journal group I'm in and the second for one of my journals.  Based on the limited supplies I have with me they turned out pretty well.  I must admit though that I really had to work at them, they don't seem to come easy to me.  However, I've been watching a ton of journalling technique videos - I love Journal Artista - and I think I've somewhat lost some of my apprehension about journalling.   I think I may tend to 'overthink" the process and the fact that I'm a bit of a perfectionist does not help the situation!

Well gotta run - I can hear the pool calling my name.

Oh, BTW, today it's 85 in Palm Springs.  Just saying......


Saturday, February 25, 2012

Halfway point of our trip

We're at the halfway point in our trip and we're having a fabulous time.  The weather has been outstanding and we've enjoyed 4 days of pool time.  Yesterday it was close to 90 and it's supposed to be the same today.  Tomorrow is also supposed to be warm but we've decided to golf anyway.  Taqhitz has lots of trees so there will be shade for Kerry and since our tee time is around 130 the temperature will be dropping as we get later into the round.

Went to the casino on Thursday night.....bad idea!  Suffice it to say I did not win any money. 

Tuesday I did some craft supply shopping,  I hit Big Lots, Joannes and TJ Maxx and scored some bargoons.  At first I was disappointed with Big Lots.  I watch all the fabulous craft hauls on You Tube and didn't really see a lot on first glance.  Then I realized that you had to dig, dig, dig so I did and came up with some cool stuff.  They didn't have a lot of stamp sets but I did score some individual stamps and lots of other stuff that I don't see at home.

The last time we were at Walmart I bought a pair of sneakers and I've done some walking down here.  Nothing spectacular and certainly not marathon material, but it's a start.  I'm very out of shape so I'm just taking my time and trying not to do too much.  Twice in the last 3 days is pretty good progress for me so I'm pleased with myself.  The goal is to get the habit in place so I can continue it at home.

Oh, I also bought myself an Ipod.  I've been using my daughter's at work because she said she didn't use it unless travelling.  However she's discovered a whole lot of neat apps she can use and so she's really stoked to use it.  I gave her back her ipod and bought myself one - 8G with camera for $198 at Walmart.  I think that's a pretty good price but not really sure.  Anyway, I'm enjoying this little gadget.  I supervise a team of 4 and the 5 of us work in a small office.  I really don't like the radios on because the office is so small. I've always used an MP3 which is OK but not optimum.  Now that I have my IPOD I'm looking forward to being able to use it at work.  I think I have something like 1000 songs to choose from.  I love that I can store so much on this little device. Who knew?

I've managed to finish the journal spread for the Travelling Journals project.  I'm pleased with how it turned out.  It wasn't very spontaneous, however, I did put a lot of work into it and considering the limited supplies I have with me, it turned out not too bad. I took some pictures on my IPOD so I'll upload later, if I can figure out how to do that !

The pool is calling my name so gotta run.  Caio.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Life is good!

The weather here in PS has been a little on the cool side.  The last couple of days it's been windy and cool and last night we had a pretty good storm.  They had snow in Joshua Tree and about 12 inches in the higher elevations over 3000 feet.

Yesterday we had a lazy day and just lay around until around 2 pm.  I decided since it wasn't a particularly nice day that I'd do some errands.  We hit Michaels for a bottle of craft paint and some decorative tape.  I didn't plan to buy a lot, however there were bargoons to be had.  Need I say more? I scored a "Doodle style" smash book (very cool) for $ 12.95, 3 smash pads @ $ 1.99 each, 3 KC company tag stacks @ 1.99 each and some very cute black and white polka dot tape.  Very cute!  I have no idea what these cost back in Vancouver but I suspect  I would have paid considerably more.  I'm in a travelling journal swap and I brought that journal with me to PS.  I also brought one of my own journals with me to work in, hence the "need" for some white acrylic paint, which I also picked up at Michaels.

Next stop was ULTA where I purchased some Bare Minerals foundation and blush.  I had an on-line coupon for 20% off one item, but who knew?  It didn't apply to Prestige cosmetics.  Big surprise there! No big deal not being able to use it - just seems that I can never take advantage of a coupon as I never buy the right product.  Story of my life!

Last stop was dinner at Di Carlos Italian Restaurant  in Rancho Mirage where my daughter treated me ( that even a word?) to dinner.  This restaurant is always on our "must do" list. The food is scrumptious, the staff and owner are really friendly and the service is great.  His business is just a license to print money!  Line-ups most of the time at night so you need to get there early or be prepared to wait.  They have an early bird menu that runs from 3 (I think) until 6pm.  On the special you get your choice of 3 or 4 selections which are a "smaller" size entree - yeah right, I can never eat all of it and I have a good appetite! - salad with homemade garlic dressing (to die for) and garlic bread for $ 9.95.  What a deal!  I highly recommend that you check them out if you're in the Coachella Valley.

We were home by 6:15 and just hung out in front of the fire for the rest of the evening. We watched the Canucks game - GO CANUCKS - and then some of the Property Brothers (love those guys). At around 1 am I gravitated to the computer where I surfed until after 3.  Then off to bed, where you guessed it, I couldn't sleep.  Oh well, guess I'll be in bed early tonight.  That's what holidays are for, right?  Life is good.

Caio !

Monday, February 13, 2012

blogging from Paradise

We're ensconced in our rental house in Palm Springs.  Heaven! 

We were both up early on Friday and thank goodness for that!  We usually fly out of either Bellingham or Abbotsford - last time it was Abbotsford - so we've been spoilt by the lack of lines and how fast we can get through customs.  YVR is a far different story.  Luckily for us, we were awake at 5 am so left for the airport earlier than we had originally planned.  The trip through check in, even though we were already checked in, was slow and disorganized.  Then we had to hike over to the international baggage area to drop off our luggage.  Some little east indian baggage handler was yelling at us.  No help provided, just yelling.  Rude, Rude, Rude....can you say annoying?  I just wanted to reach out and slap him.

We had planned to grab breakfast at the airport since we couldn't get breakfast at the hotel.  Unfortunatly with all the lineups we never did get anything to eat.  We also had to line up to go through the security check - the line had at least a 100 people in it!  Going through security is always such a treat!  From there we lined up to go through US customs.  Thankfully that went very quickly.  We just made it to our gate in time for the start of boarding.  The flight was uneventful.

We arrived on in Palm Springs at around 11:30 on Friday to a fabulous, sunny and warm day - 84 degrees. We vehicle rental check in went well and we were able to get the HHR I requested....woohoo!!  We were 2 hours early, however, the rental company had the house all ready for us so there was no waiting around.  Don't you love it when a plan comes together?   The rental house is lovely and is way up there on the cozy meter.  It's a new rental in the rental pool and so is missing a few of the "it would be nice to have's" but other than that it's great.  Huge yard, good sized pool, nice spa and lots of privacy. 

I spent Saturday in the pool - sheer heaven !  Sunday was cooler and very windy - something like 65 mile per hour winds expected - so no pool time Sunday.  Today we're golfing and then going out to dinner afterwards.  Tomorrow we'll stay home and have a pool day and then barbecue some steaks  We still haven't mastered how to get the spa to heat up properly but the pool guy comes today so hopefully that will be rectified.  Kerry is chomping at the bit to get in the spa. 

Stay tuned.  Caio from paradise.

Thursday, February 02, 2012

Retirement card

One of to the guys I work with is retiring tomorrow so we hosted a retirement lunch for him today. I made this card to go with his gift and everyone in the office signed it. 

I'm reasonably pleased with it.  If I were to make it again, I'd probably change the colors but everyone else seemed pleased with it.

BTW, in the scan the image looks crooked.  On the actual card it was fine.  I guess my card was a little crooked on the scanner bed when I scanned it.

Fell off the wagon

So ....

It appears that I fell off the wagon  - I didn't meet my goal of twice a week and have little artwork to show for the past 2 weeks. 

The studio is still a work in progress.  It's about 2/3 finished and then I stopped.  I need to finish this job otherwise I can't work in there.  Having said that, I have been able to get a little work done in there.
Surprising enough, it's actually functioning pretty well.  I'm very pleased with the layout - it feels comfortable and more spacious.  I still have way too much "stuff" but it seems more in control now.

I'm exhausted.  I'm getting ready to go south for a month and work has been crazy busy.  I come home dead to the world and just don't have a lot of energy to do anything.  I have several projects I want to finish up before leaving next week, just not sure how much will get done.  I must do up some stock for the store, no ifs, ands or buts about that, otherwise I will be very unpopular.  I also have some ATCs to finish, a journal page to do for a travelling journal page and I want to prep some journal pages for my own journal so I can take it with me.  Last year I bought a bunch of stuff down there but didn't really do much journalling.  I think this year it will work better if I have the pages prepped and ready to go.  Hopefully, if I do that, then I can bring a bare minimum with me to work with.  Who knows? Still struggling with putting anything to paper, however I'm hoping that I'll be more free, less blocked down there.  Keeping my fingers crossed

Gotta run.  Caio!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

My studio, my studio

My experiment with a journal page grid?  Not so good.  I don't like the way it's turning out.  Appears, I need my space!   So I guess I'll be reverting  back to full size pages.  I think I still like the pages unbound, again that is still under review.

I'm in the midst of a massive re-org of my studio.  My daughter took the doors off my two armoires and took down the shelf in the closet.  I emptied my armoires and moved them into the closet.  Looks fabulous.  The rest of the room?  Looks like a bomb exploded!  It's looked bad before but it is truly out of control now!  Anyway they say that when you start to organise, that it gets way worse before it gets better.  Still a work in progress.  My daughter is going out to buy a new router tomorrow and then I'll be moving my desk, computer and printer upstairs. Will take pictures so you can see my progress.

Speaking of pictures, what's up with blogspot?   I can't upload pictures.  When I try it only gives me 3 choices for where I can get my images, and my computer is not one of them.  It's just lately that I can't upload so I'm wondering if I modified one of my settings without realizing it.  Will need to explore that.

Gotta' run as my studio is calling me save me..... I've fallen and I can't get up!    Well, I think you get the picture.


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Running behind

Today is Tuesday and I didn't post on the weekend so I guess that  puts me one post behind.  I'm not going to beat myself up about it.  I'll just try to catch up sometime this week.

My week didn't start out all that well.  I believe that I have the makings of an abcessed tooth.  I have to make yet another trip to my dentist tomorrow morning, during rush hour no less, so he can take a look at it.  It's not too painful, although I have had a tooth ache of varying degrees of pain for the last several days.  Nothing that an Ibuprofen wouldn't help!  I have another appointment next week so he can start rebuilding my teeth - long story, very long story - so I hoped he would just give me some antibiotics that would hold me til I see him next week.  No such luck - he has to see me in order to give me the meds.  What's up with that? :)

Not too much new on the art front.  I've been working in my journal and I think I've decided that I prefer the larger, prebound pages.  I'm finding that I tend to forget about the blank borders I need to leave for binding and that might cause some problems down the road.  As well a 5 x 7 journal page is not very big, so I have come to discover.   The page I mentioned dividing up into quadrants (so I wouldn't have to fill a large space with journalling) is really not working all that well.  I've redone one portion of it 3 times.  Good Lord what the heck is going on with that?  Anyway, I'll keep plugging along on the page but I think that I'll probably be switching to a larger format.

Gotta run.....Caio!

Thursday, January 05, 2012

Happy New Year !

Good morning and Happy New Year ! 

I'm not much for New Year's resolutions, mostly because I never seem to keep them.  However, I am prepared to go out on a limb and share 2 of my resolutions with you.

Resolution #1 is to work in  my art Journal , as in having an entry, for every day of the month of January.  That's a huge commitment for me so I'm excited to see if I can really do it.  I have a real problem with putting words to the page so while I've committed to journalling every day, the content will be short, sweet and not necessarily wordz.  I've gone to a smaller journal for 2012 and I'm not binding the pages until after the work is complete.  I'm liking that so far!  I've also sectioned off my first page so there is very little space to fill in for each day.    I'm hoping because I don't have to fill a full page, that this will help me get past the fear of the blank page.  Definitely a work in progress!

Resolution # 2 is to post to the blog on a more regular basis.  I know, I know, I've said that now I'm saying it again!  I've pretty much opted out of Live Journal, just not enough hours in the day!  My goal is to post a minimum of twice weekly (for a minimum of 104 posts for 2012).  I think I'll make an appointment with myself  twice a week to do this.  Perhaps Thursday and Sunday?  Or Wednesday and Saturday?  Anyway you get the picture.  I was gifted with a killer daytimer so these appointments will get entered in "the book" which is pretty much what I use to manage my life.

I have some art from 2011 that I'll post next time.   I know, I know - you've heard that before too!

So far this is a baby step on the path to achieving one of my goals for 2012.  1 post down and only 103 to go!   Stay tuned.
