Saturday, August 18, 2012

Hot time in the city

Man -  it has been soooooo hot here on the coast!  Yesterday the thermometer in my car was reading 37.5 degrees celscius.  Now that's hot, way too hot.  However, having said that, we've all been complaining long and loud about what a lousy summer we've had this year so ....I guess we need to just suck it up and enjoy.

I'm still working on my studio and trying to make it work better for me.  I've arranged, and re-arranged so much that sometimes I can't find a thing.  Go figure.  I have a few more ideas as to how to make a little more space.  First and foremost I have to get rid of some stuff.  I'm smothering to death with all this stuff!

I've been busy making cards for the store.  The process has not been fast and  should have way more to show for it but I don't.  Wedding season will only last a couple of more months and then hopefully I can get my act together and get some stock ahead of me for next year.  The annual  3 day Open House is taking place near the end of October, so I need to get some samples together so my guy can approve stock for the gala.  We've  been working together for 10 years now and his Open House just keeps growing and becoming more sucessful every year.  I think he sends out more than 1500 invitations and  he always gets a really good turnout. 

Nothing much else happening in my little corner of paradise.  My doctor changed my meds so I'm feeling more like myself and have tons more energy.  I've been diagnosed as insulin resistant so I need to clean up my diet which will hopefully result in a weight loss.

Work is good.  I'm fully staffed now and we're getting ready to move into our new HQ building in March of 2013.  There's a ton of work to do to get ready  so there will be no idle hands

I booked my flight back east for the end of September.  I plan to be there for my birthday so my dad, who is 88 next year, is looking forward to it.  I've also booked our flights and the house for our Palm Springs trip in February so everything is coming together nicely.

I've finished a couple of journal pages which I'll post as soon as I find my USB cable for the computer.

Gotta run.  Caio!

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