Sunday, March 04, 2012

Coming to the end

We're coming to the end of our time here in paradise.  We leave for home on Saturday March 10th.  At this point in the trip I always start to think about home and everything that waits for me there.  I'm always a little sad to leave and I'm already looking forward to coming back next year.

We've had a wonderful, relaxing time.  The weather has been really great and we've played a ton of golfing and had lots of days around the pool.  Both Kerry and I are tanned and she and I have gotten along famously. 

I managed to complete 2 art journal pages - one for a travelling journal group I'm in and the second for one of my journals.  Based on the limited supplies I have with me they turned out pretty well.  I must admit though that I really had to work at them, they don't seem to come easy to me.  However, I've been watching a ton of journalling technique videos - I love Journal Artista - and I think I've somewhat lost some of my apprehension about journalling.   I think I may tend to 'overthink" the process and the fact that I'm a bit of a perfectionist does not help the situation!

Well gotta run - I can hear the pool calling my name.

Oh, BTW, today it's 85 in Palm Springs.  Just saying......


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