Monday, December 30, 2013

Some people are just evil !!!

Well now.  There’s a warm cozy thought isn’t it?  Why is it that some people need to be soooo very hateful and selfish. Some days it takes all I have to not toss them out the 6th floor window – no need to open the window, I’ll just drop kick them out and watch them sail through the atmosphere.  Lovely thought, that is!!

Work is crazy busy – I’ve had a couple of issues that have been ongoing for a long time now.  It’s been both emotionally and physically exhausting, however, I think it’s over now so that’s a good thing !  I’m looking forward to starting fresh in 2014, putting all the bad stuff behind me.

Art and journaling were shoved on the back burner for a good bit of November and all of December.  I think that December should be 60 days instead of 31 – I never seem to have enough time!   I hate it when Christmas becomes “just another job” !  I’m looking forward to working in my journal again.  I have got to learn to manage that better.

The countdown for Palm Springs has started – 43 more sleeps.  I soooo need a holiday!

I looked back in the blog and was surprised to see that there is very little art posted for the last several months.  What’s up with that?  So here’s a couple of cards I made recently.IMG_0569


Saturday, December 07, 2013


I’ve tried to post a couple of times, usually when I’m really tired, and had nothing but problems.   So now I”m back when I’m at least half way awake to try again.

Work has been really busy, and with all the interruptions, and new tasks, I don’t ever seem to get anything accomplished.  Add to that the Christmas season and problems with difficult people – well you get the picture.

My workroom look like it’s been vandalized!  I can’t find anything and I’m constantly moving things from one pile to another. I have way too many “treasures” – “treasures” translate to “stuff” – and trust me, I have way too much of it.  Right now I have other things I should be doing, however this place is such a mess that I can’t ignore it any longer.  I am making some headway, and I will purge a few things over the next several weeks.  I’ve waited too long -  I think it’s too close to Christmas?  Hmmm – will need to think about that! Anyway, I will eventually post some pictures of my re-vamped studio – If I can keep it clean long enough!!!

Here are a couple of my Christmas cards.IMG_0562



Sunday, October 20, 2013

And another.....

This one is from a swap I'm in with a journal partner in Ontario.  The one on the previous post
is also part of that swap.

I finished up both of those pages at the end of September and sent them off.

My challenge - progress report

Well, I must say that I am pleasantly surprised with the results so far.  I challenged myself to work in my journal every single day.  At this point, which is a little more than halfway through the month, I consider my challenge to be an unqualified success!!!!  I have missed a couple of days but, for the most part I've worked in my journal every day - and sometimes twice a day to make up for the few times that I missed.

I love journalling but I do struggle with it.   I think I've said before - for the most part I'm fine with the backgrounds.  I just seem to really struggle from that point on.  Anyway, I've been able to complete a couple of spreads that I'm reasonably pleased with and which I'm willing to share.

This one was completed at the end of September.   It really wasn't part of my challenge, however, I think it kind of planted the seed.   So, here we go..........

Wednesday, October 02, 2013

Challenging myself

It's a busy time for me.  Christmas is right around the corner and I'm busy designing samples and then making up product for the open house at the end of October.  I find it quite amazing that it takes me so long to come up with an idea, but then as soon as I have one, it leads to another and then to another.  Luckily this year I found some new images and they made up really nice so it has been been fun working with them.

I broke down and bought a new printer.  I went with a Canon Pixma.  So far I'm happy with it.  It was reasonably priced, it's fairly fast and is far less noisy than the HP which seemed to be constantly shuffling and bumping and raising a racket!  So far so good.

For the month of October, I've challenged myself to work in my journals every single day.  I don't need to complete a page every day, but my challenge is that I must work in my journal every day.  Today is October 2nd and I've managed to complete one page so I'm very pleased with myself.  Woohoo!  I'll post soon so you can see what I've accomplished.

For now, I'm off to bed.  I've had a busy couple of days and the rest of the week looks like it will be the same.


Tuesday, August 27, 2013


I came home from work at lunch time with a nasty, nasty, sick headache.  I've had it for about 4 days now and I want it to go away.  Borderline migraine and painful!

I think I'm going to have to cut back on my internet time.  I'm spending waaaay too much time on-line looking at everyone's fabulous art and I'm getting nothing done!  I have two pages to finish in one journal and then 3 more journals waiting in the wings so I need to "git 'er done"!

DD is having some health issues, nothing too serious we hope. She has tentively disagnosed with psoriatic arthritis.  She went for blood tests to determine which type she has and they discovered that she has pernicious anemia.  Back in the day, that type of anemia killed you.  It's caused by an inability of the body to absorb B12. She had her blood tests on Friday morning and first thing Monday morning the doctor's office called to tell her the doc wanted to see her right away.  She went in and he explained what's going on and gave her a B12 shot.  She'll have to go back every week for the next month or so.  Somewhere during that month, the doc will re-run blood tests to see if this issue is temporary or whether she'll have to get shots for the rest of her life.  Kind of scary, however I have every confidence that this is not going to be a big issue.  This is me keeping my fingers crossed!

Anyway enough about illness.  Here's one of my journal pages.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Very quick update

  • I've finally finished a couple of pages in my journal partner's journal  and I plan to send it off tomorrow. I had planned to send via expresspost, however I've had it way too long now so I'll send it off instead of keeping it until I finish working in my journal.  Heather has been soooooo patient so I can't keep her waiting any longer
(Not sure why I have a bullet up there, but I'm tired of putzing around trying to delete it so I just ignore it )

Last Thursday and Friday, I received 3 journals from a travelling journal swap I'm in.  I hope to work on some of them this weekend and then get them off asap - I know the others are getting impatient.

I also need to come up with some designs for the shops for this Christmas season.  I really need to get at that as the Open House will be in October some time and I'll need to have all the stock delivered well in advance.

On the home front,  I finally managed to get some housework done.  The scary part is that I really didn't realize how dirty my windows and such.  Really quite disturbing!  I hope to make some time in this next 3 day weekend to do some more cleaning.  Boring I know but it needs to be done!

Well, that's about it for me.  I will upload some pix of my latest work sometime over the next few days.  Caio!

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

OK - so I'm in a really nasty mood ! Rant follows! ... Just saying....

Have I told you lately how much I hate my HP printer?  What a useless piece of garbage that thing is!  If I could have, I would have opened my second floor window and dropped this piece of garbage onto my patio. There would have been a certain sense of payback had I been able to do that....but of course I couldn't so now I'm left to fume and curse!!

I spent over $ 400 on this thing more than 5 years ago.  I was very clear at the time that I wanted a 4 in 1 that had wireless printing capability.  The salesman (who by the way, was full of shit!) assured me  it was wireless enabled and went away with my hard earned money. After days of not being able to get the printer to work properly, buying an extended warranty and so on and so on, I find out from tech support that this "wireless" enabled printer is NOT and will not ever be a wireless enabled or compatible printer - not now, not ever, not even on Jupiter!  Now isn't that special  - it appears that I got screwed royally and I didn't even get kissed!  It's noisy, it's slow and it drives me crazy with the continuous rattling, clicking, humming and paper jamming.  Thanks a bunch, Staples!

I had a busy day at work and had to deal with one asshole and as well as people who feel the need to stick their noses into business that does not concern them.  It makes me laugh - everyone wants to tell you how to do it but nobody wants to actually do it!  I am so tired of the interference and nonsense that goes on there some days.  It's like an blessed circus and all the clowns are in town on the same day!

I can hardly wait for the weekend.  Monday August 5th is a holiday here in Canada and since its also my flex day, I get a 4 day weekend.  I so need it!  Woohoo.

OK, enough bitching.  Gotta run.  Caio!

Monday, July 08, 2013

Hit the road Nasty!

The nastiness is over - finally - I hope!  And I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders.  Hopefully this whole cluster fuck will just disappear.  Keeping my fingers crossed !!

I paid off some bills that were weighing me down and that exercise was totally liberating.  Free at last, free at last!  I have never done anything the easy way my entire life and this whole business is yet another case in point that proves I am a slow learner!  Needless to say, I have learned my lesson.  Enough said!

I finally have my studio organized in a way that works and that I am comfortable working in.  My daughter described it as 'very functional' and  I must admit that it feels right.  I'm able to find things most days which is very distinct improvement over months past so I'm a very happy camper.  I always seemed to gravitate to my window, regardless of what that station was supposed to be doing. So I decided to quit fighting that urge and  make it my stamping station.  I moved my computer to the other desk (which faces away from the window) and voila!  It works and it feels right.  I love, love, love the new layout.  I did have to move a few things around, namely I moved my printer to my computer station, which in turn freed up room on my stamping desk.  Who knew it would be so simple?

This is another 3 day weekend for me and I've had a lovely relaxing time.  Saturday I had my hair done and then swung over to Shopper's Drugs to take advantage of their special promo for Optimum points.  I had accumulated enough points to get $200.80 (before tax) worth of FREE products.  Wooo Hooo!! Ya gotta love when a plan comes together!

Well must run as I'm meeting a friend for an early supper.  Caio!

Tuesday, July 02, 2013

Sometimes you have to burn the bridge to keep the crazies from crossing

Ain't that the truth!  I seem to have more than my fair share of crazies lately!!!  More drama than I need right now and one more drama queen than I need.  Can you say lunatic????

Anyway, enough said about that.

I've been struggling with my journals but have managed to finish a couple of spreads.  I still have to finish some work for my journal partner.  I mean this is really ridiculous!  I've had these two journals for months and I'm still not finished them.  My plan is to complete one, come hell or high water, and get them out in the mail to her.

I'm busy working on wedding cards for the store.  I need to get them up to the store tomorrow and then I'll have a little breathing time.  God knows I need it.


The weather here on the coast has been so very hot for the last couple of days.  We broke records over the weekend and at some points it was so warm it was almost unbearable.  My flowers are drinking up the water at a furious pace.  I usually only water a couple of times a week, but this past week I've had to feed them almost twice a day.

Work has been hectic and I've spent the better part of the last two weeks dealing with some very unpleasant business.  Seems all this time, I've had shark in my pool !  Nasty surprise that is.  Anyway, it's dealt with now so things should improve again.

I completed my first real face drawing and it's not half bad.  Actually I'm pretty pleased with it.  It's certainly not perfect but it's better than previous tries so that's a good thing.  I've signed up for a faces workshop with a lady in Germany.  I'm looking forward to starting, just haven't gotten around to it yet

Well must run.  Caio!

Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Flowers, Flowers Everywhere

I love this time of year.  Everything is starting to grow again and it feels like a new start.

The landscapers weeded my front flower bed for me and, aside from the remnants of a little bit of moss, it looks pretty good.  Last year was only my first full year of garden there so it is still a work in progress.   However I do know what I did last year that I didn't like so now I'll try something else.  I love lots of colour and if anything,  I under plant the area because I know that some of these plants will spread out.  Nothing worse than putting in too much and it ending up looking like everything has gone to seed.

The weather here on the coast has been fabulous for the last few days.  Last weekend we broke local temperature records which was really nice.  Of course, it's going to be great weather until Saturday and then the cooler, rainy weather starts.  Rain on the weekend.....hmmm...not such a big surprise!

I've been doing a lot of surfing for art journal tricks and techniques and really like what I'm seeing.  However I need to stop surfing and start doing if I want to get anything done!  I really enjoyed being able to take and/ or make time to play in my journal when I was on vacation.  I need to make more time to play in my journal so I'm working at changing my mindset about it.  Previously, I played in my journal when my other work was done so it usually ended up taking a backseat to other tasks/ responsibilities.  I'm rethinking that practice now and I'm trying to take at least 10 minutes a day to play.  Not sure that's going to work out, but I'm giving it a try.

Work is crazy busy, but busy in a good way.  I have waaaaay too much to do but I'm enjoying what I'm doing and I'm feeling productive and valued so it's all good.

Must run - time to play!  Caio.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

We've been home for almost a month now - life has gone back to normal and I'm counting down the months til I can go back to California.

Work has been really busy and hectic, however since I came back so relaxed and rested, I'm just going with the flow.  I'm pretty much "whatever" when things go sideways.  That and I've gotten much better at biting my tongue! :)

Immediately upon my return from holidays I ended up purchasing a new computer.  Since my laptop is so old - I bought a reconditioned laptop in 2007.  Some of the my word processing software was really old.  I wasn't using MS Office but it seems that everyone else is so I was having problems with opening documents etc.  Anyway, long story short, the new software I wanted was going to cost me a lot - software, plus upgrades plus, plus, plus!  I just finally decide enough already and bought a new computer.  It's a Samsung with lots of memory and it's really fast so I'm a happy camper!

I've been threatening to post some of my journal pages so here goes.  More to follow!  Caio!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

All Good things.....

....must come to an end.

We're getting ready to head home in a few days.  I'm always sad when the end of our vacation comes - although I have no business complaining ! 

The weather has been fabulous.  Today at 7:30 in Palm Springs it's 96 degrees and not a cloud in the sky. Sure beats the weather we've been having at home - torrential downpours for the last couple of days.

My daughter and I have had a fabulous time together, golfing and just vegging out and relaxing,  The house has been wonderful as usual and the pool to die for !

I'm also sad to be leaving as a neighbourhood cat - we don't believe it to be a stray - has adopted us and has spent most days since we arrived here with us.  She seems to be very well fed - she's also an awesome hunter as one poor rat learned to his dismay !  She such a little doll that I seriously contemplated packing her up and taking her home with us.  The voice of reason finally prevailed - it's my fervent belief (hope ?) that she is a beloved pet and that some family is giving her lots of love !  If I thought for a minute that she was a stray.......well, best not to go there !

We're playing our last round of golf tomorrow - supposed to be in the 90's again tomorrow - and then I'll spend Saturday as my last pool day.  I have over-indulged in the sun for the last month so will probably end up looking like some wizened up old crone.   Whatever !

Gotta run.  Caio !

Saturday, March 09, 2013

Only one more week :(

We have only one more week left and then we're back to reality again. 

I shouldn't complain.....we've had a wonderful time.   The weather has  been fabulous - a few windy days but still sunny and bright. The wind coming in off the desert is cold and strong and it's not much fun golfing when it's like that !  So for those few days, we've done other things.
Yesterday we went into Palm Springs and walked around the shopping district.  Very disappointing.  So many stores closed or going out of business.  Only a few clothing stores (expensive and catering to stick people) and a few jewellry stores. I didn't see much else of interest.   Two whole blocks of stores have been closed in preparation for a big hotel being built.  Not a whole lot to see that's for sure.

We did enjoying checking out all the restaurants though.  There are a few interesting ones - some very expensive - and lots of happy hours specials.  We plan to visit one of the local pubs in town sometime next week .

The weather is improving today - supposed to be in mid 70's and then the temperature is increasing daily into next week.  They're calling for 90 by Wednesday.  Woo hoo!   We have golf booked for Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Luckily with the clocks going back tonight, we'll have an extra hour of daylight so will be able to tee off a little later in the day when it's not quite so hot.  Not that I'm complaining!

I've scored some excellent deals on stamps and other treasures from Joann's.  Love, love, love Joann's!
I've also ordered some art supplies on line while I'm here so they should arrive shortly after we return home.
As well, I've managed to complete some journal spreads and have discovered zentangles and I'm hooked.  I probably won't be able to post any art while I'm here....I want to enjoy as much of the fabulous weather as I can when I'm here.  I can post anytime!

Well must run.  The pool is calling my name!


Friday, March 01, 2013

My Special Place

I don't know what it is about Palm Springs but I love it here.   Absolutely love it here!  I feel safe and it feels like coming home when we return each year.  Granted, it is a bit of a pilgramage - Garry died here and he so loved it - so maybe that's part of it.

I love, love, love the house we rent - the pool is magnificent and we're situated close to everything we need.  I wish I could afford to live here 6 months of the year. I wish I could afford to buy a home here.....that's not going to happen!  So each February I migrate to Palm Springs (can you say lemming? ) and I feel rejuvenated and fulfilled.  Special magic here!

I brought a 5 x 7 journal with me and I've been working in it.  I've managed to complete 6 spreads and hope to complete more in the remaining 2 weeks here.  I really like this size - I use different sizes at home some 6 x 11, some 8 1/2 by 11.  However that's a lot of space to fill up.  I prepared the pages before I came and I'm really loving this smaller journal !  I'll post some of my pages when we get home.

Saturday and Sunday are pool days - its supposed to be 84 for the next couple of days so we'll be enjoying the pool.   It's a tough job, but someone's got to do it !  Saturday is the 5th anniversary of my husband's death.,....I cannot believe it has been so long - it seems like that was another lifetime and yet it feels like yesterday. He loved life and lived it at warp speed - he loved  to eat and to gamble so the plan is to have steak and prawns here at the house and then go the casino and gamble our faces off.  It seems fitting and he'd like that!

Must run.  We just got back from golf - it was wonderful!  The fabulosity of Palm Springs is amazing!  We need to eat and then retire to watch tv.  Life is grand, isn't it?


Monday, February 18, 2013

Paradise found

We arrived safely in Palm Springs on Wednesday afternoon, Feb. 13th.

Both flights went off without a hitch and we landed to sunny warm weather.  Within a few hours of our arrival we were all settled in and enjoying the spa.  Unfortunately, I took a tumble on our first night and went ass over tea kettle onto the ceramic tile floor.  I had wiped up a couple of wet spots from tracking in and out of the house but I guess I missed one and down I went.  It happened so quick that I didn't have time to catch myself.  I landed on my left side, banging my ear and front of my shoulder into the pony wall between the kitchen and the hallway.  Luckily I didn't bang my head on the tile floor and only scrapped my inner upper arm near my shoulder.  My scrape is now (5 days later) scabbed over and my shoulder and upper arm are covered in a large purple bruise.  Thankfully, other than that, I'm none the worse for wear!

As I mentioned, the weather here has been outstanding.  Days have been hot (around 80 most days) with a slight breeze.  The nights have remained warm so no need for a jacket most nights. So far so good and we're thoroughly enjoying our trip so far.  The accomodations are wonderful, the pool is just the right temperature and the sun is shining.  I think I've died and gone to heaven.

We're off to play some golf Tuesday and we have another tee time booked for Thursday.  Both days are supposed to be a little cooler (high sixties) so we're looking forward to that.  We had discussed golfing today (Monday) but then found out it's a long weekend here in the States so we're glad that we waited.

I brought my journal - most of my backgrounds already prepared - so I'm looking forward to working in it soon.  I definetly want to hit Target, Big Lots and of course, Joannes.  I'm hoping to maybe pick up a gelli plate.  I did create one of my own out of foam core but if I can find one here will probably shell out some coin to purchase.

Well must run - the pool is calling my name.


Sunday, February 10, 2013

Only 3 more sleeps.....

until we head off to Palm Springs.  I don't usually get excited until I'm on the plane, however I must admit that I've been excited for about a week now.  Can hardly wait to get into the pool and just veg out.

The next couple of days at work will be hectic.  Lots of packing to do and I'm sure there will be some crisis or another before we're through.  Just taking one day at a time.

Not too much else new.  I'm trying to get my journal ready so I can take it with me to PS - still have a bit to go on it yet.

Must run - busy day tomorrow and I need to get my beauty sleep.


Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Under the weather

I'm off sick - not sure what I did to my back and I've got touch of the flu.  Hopefully I've nipped the flu in the bud and can get back to normal in a day or so.  This is not a good time for me to be sick - too much going on at work in preparation for the move.   I don't have time to be sick!

The last couple of weeks have been spent working on Valentine stock for the store.  I hope to have it to the stores by the weekend and then I can cross one more thing off my list. Not too much art being done.  I have managed to do some prelimnary stuff in my journals so I hope to have something I can work on in Palm Springs. 

Speaking of PS, it's just around the corner as well.   I sooooo need a holiday and I can't wait to soak up the sun.  I'll be a much happier girl when all the stress is destroyed by the sun. 

Well must run.  I'm hooked up to my vibrating heating pad and I've taken some meds for the pain so hopefully I'll chase the bad stuff in my back and those nasty flu germs away.


Thursday, January 17, 2013


I'm halfway through the month and it has been brutal. Lots of drama at work - the you know what has hit the fan and it's not a very pleasant situation.  I have a small part in it and I'm embarassed that I let my buttons be pushed.  I should have known better!

We're less than 4 weeks away from our move to our new office building. Everyone is stressed to the max and as luck would have it, problems keep rearing their ugly little heads.  I had a plan and I really did try to work to the plan.  And how's that working for me, you ask?  Not so good.

Moving on......I'm in countdown to Palm Springs. Only 27 days until we board our ticket to paradise.  I can hardly wait!  I love my job but lately it has been unbelievable!    I am sooooo looking forward to parking my fat little butt in the pool with a keg full of margaritas.  And they ask me why I drink?

I haven't done a lot of art in the New Year.  I did create a calendar and I'm trying to journal in it everyday.  I thought it might be one small step towards making journaling more of a part of my everyday life.  I've also managed to prepare some pages in advance of our trip to Palm Springs.  I seem to go into withdrawal when I'm down there, so this time I'm at least a little prepared.

Well must run.  Just wanted to pop in for a little update.  I'm so tired that I can hardly think straight and I have to get up and do it all over again tomorrow.   Lottery Gods, please smile on me and let me win a lottery!!!
