Sunday, October 24, 2010

Work has been crazy busy and I've been exhausted when I come home from work. However, things are finally starting to come together. Still a few challenges with staff and such but I think I'll be able to function without losing my mind!

As well, this is a really busy time of year for me with Christmas just around the corner. I'm working on stock for the Open House and have a couple of swaps to complete by the end of the month. It always seems like a good idea to sign up for these swaps at the time and then I usually have to scramble to get them completed on time. So why do you keep signing up, you might ask? Good question! I feel that these swaps help me to stretch my creative muscles and they're something fun to do. Sometimes I think all my stamping/creative time is spent on "business" stamping with little being done on the fun side.

On a side note, I'm really enjoying the journal partner swap I'm doing with HR. I'm not always sure what I'll write about but eventually some seed of an idea takes hold and I'm good to go. I never seem to have a plan, per se. I get a kernal of an idea and then it just kind of flows once I get working on it. Hopefully when this next week of busy-ness is over, I'll be able to set aside some time to do more of my personal art.

Today I took an alcohol ink class at Be Creative. It was great and I really enjoyed it and feel that it was very worthwhile as I learned lots of tips and new techniques. Of course, I spent a fortune on some "must haves" after the class but that goes with the territory. Now I can't wait to play with my new toys ! I plan to use one of the techniques I learned on my Christmas tags for the swap on CST.

Well must run. Caio!

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