Saturday, September 22, 2012

Christmas designs

Already I'm hearing "only 100 days til Christmas".  OMG, let's not start with that already!

I'm working on samples for the store. I should have had these done long ago, however, I only seem to work well under pressure ! What can I say? Anyway, here are a couple of my new designs for Christmas.

On the home front, things are going well here. My office is moving in mid-February and the craziness of preparation for the relocation is starting to ramp up. But before that there are several other things to get through.

On Wednesday I'm off to visit family. My dad will be 88 in March, his wife is 89 and they are still living in their own home. Dad refuses to move into assisted living, which BTW is making my brother crazy! Both parents' health is failing but Dad is sooooo stubborn and crusty that he's just dug his heels in about moving.

Anyway, I digress. DD left last Wednesday to spend some time with him and I'm off on Wednesday to visit for a week. I'll stay with my brother as it's too much for those old people for us to stay with them. Then of course there are some other visits I need to make while there. Lord knows they won't be around forever, so I want to go back because I want to not because I have to for a death or illness.

I haven't done much journalling lately. I have several works in progress, but nothing finished yet. I think my problem is I make it waaaaaayyy too complicated.   It is what it is!

Caio !

Saturday, September 08, 2012

End of Summer

While everyone else had a fabulous summer, our summer here on the coast left much to be desired.  It has only been in the last couple of weeks that the weather has turned hot and fabulous.  Finally!  The weather people say the weather will be warm and wonderful right into October so I guess everything evens out over the long run.

I have to keep this post short as I need to finish up this room today so I can get some samples made and do some work in my journal. Here's a journal page I finished recently. I think I'm finally getting over the blank page - trying to use the KISS principle.

I've been lazy and lots of the work I need to get done has been set on the back burner. I must have my stock for the open house into the stores in about a month so I will need to do some hard core production is I want to be ready.

I've embarked on another re-organization of my studio.  It's a long process and I tend to get frustrated with my lack of progress in some areas but I think it's finally coming together.  I've tried to address some of the visual clutter issues and while I haven't thrown a lot out, I have managed to give some stuff away.  Hopefully more will be given away over the next few weeks.   As well, I'm trying to put like things together - now that's a novel concept ! - instead of having the same things stored several places and that seems to be working so I'm feeling good about that.

I have to keep this post short as I need to finish up this room today so I can get some samples made and do some work in my journal. Here's a journal page I finished recently. I think I'm finally getting over the blank page - trying to use the KISS principle.
